Madeline & Vincent
Welcome to our adoption site. We hope this gives you a sense of who we are and we why want to adopt.
Who We Are
We are Madeline Hunter and Vincent Klug living in Richmond Virginia. We are so glad that you are taking the time to consider us as adoptive parents. We have given this method of growing our family a great deal of thought and have very intentionally entered into the adoption process with hopes that we will be chosen to parent a wonderful child. Of course all of the many questions you have about us cannot be answered here, however, we would like to begin painting a picture of the type of people we are and even the qualities that we might have as parents.
How We Met
We were both living in Richmond in 2016 when Madeline was in college and Vincent was working as a writer. We connected on a dating app and planned to meet at a local coffeeshop. We met up and were both smitten with each other from the beginning. We arranged our first date for later that week at a vegetarian restaurant. We soon discovered that although we have a lot of interests in common for instance our love of food, music, writing, reading and a strong connection to family we were incredibly different (the opposites attract type of couple). Vincent is outgoing, loud, and spontaneous. Madeline is more thoughtful, considerate, quiet, and a great listener. However, our differences (in perspectives, personality type and background) are what we came to understand were our greatest strengths as a couple. We balance each other out in a way that is truly unique and rare.
Our Hobbies and Interests
Here we are meeting a Sea Lion — this is the sort of thing we hope we can do with our future child.
Vincent loves to watch sports, particularly basketball, and watching educational videos. Madeline enjoys working on her embroidery, watching stand up comedy, listening to audiobooks sitting and reflecting by a body of water (lake or beach). We spend our time together walking our dog Lola, listening to music/going to concerts, going to breweries, visiting new cities, trying new foods, watching TV and listening to podcasts. We also very much value our time spent with the people closest to us which includes our family.
Our Faith
We are both Buddhist practitioners and it is a place of great comfort to us. We plan to introduce the tenants of Buddhism to our child very early on. Because of what it has done for us in giving a sense of peace, meaning, and connection to the universe and we would love to bring our child to some sort of Buddhist community events as they age.
Why We Want to Adopt
We both love children and have always wanted to adopt and it has always been our first choice to grow our family. We have not tried to have a child biologically. We both have a lot of concerns about our environment and the future of our world. With the many things going on in the world we recognize that not everyone is prepared to parent therefore, we feel that providing a home for a child who are already here and is seeking their familie is the right decision for us.
Vincent with our neice and nephew, Charlotte and Abou.
Madeline with two of our others neices and nephews, Hugo and Virginia.
Our Hopes for Adoption
From our understanding of adoption we believe it is successful when the birth parent(s) feel empowered in their decision to choose an adoptive family for their child. It is a success when the child feels safe and secure enough to be their authentic selves while still maintaining a feeling of connection with their family of origin. Adoption is successful when all parties accept that perfection is impossible to achieve but show each other compassion and value one another as individuals as well as part of a family. What we hope to offer as parents is consistent support, love and care for our child as well as a commitment to providing them with the structure they require to grow into who they truly are.
Hello Madeline here! So when asked to describe myself I would say I am introverted, curious, creative, diligent, passionate, compassionate, empathetic, introspective, a devoted friend, and a grateful daughter with a dry sense of humor and a goofy playfulness. I am a very determined and resilient person who may balk at change occasionally but who has worked consistently on becoming more flexible and amenable to the constant shifts in life. I am a helper before most else and I have turned that into my job as a child therapist.
I received a degree in Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University and then returned to obtain a Masters in Social Work. I have worked as a therapeutic day treatment counselor at an alternative school for teens that was also a part of a residential facility. I then transitioned to my current job at a nonprofit called ChildSavers where I am a school-based clinician providing outpatient services directly within the Hopewell City Public Schools. I am a trauma-informed child and adolescent therapist and I use principles of play therapy on a daily basis. I feel very satisfied with my work and find it very rewarding. I have an incredibly supportive team of coworkers and a wonderful supervisor. I am very passionate about my work especially as a black woman (half black and half white) in todays world. I am constantly inspired to work towards improving the mental health of children through building resiliency.
Hi! I’m Vincent and I am often described as a boisterous, warm, and creative guy. I think of myself mostly as a musician and I can’t wait to play music with, for and around our future child. I also love to cook and write and I love basketball.
One thing that’s very important to me is my relationship with buddhism. Meditation and the teachings of the Dharma have helped shaped my life and I think that’s what allows me to be the easy-going and resiliant person I am today.
I currently work as a technology consultant for a company called CapTech. I develop learning programs to teach people about technology, how to use it, and manage learning technology itself. I love my job, company and the work I do. I find it very rewarding to teach, and I get to work from home which allows me a lot of flexibility. I also have a side business doing home and small business technology consulting and video editing which I enjoy because it allows me to use different parts of my brain and be creative. Before this current role I was a professional writer doing ghost writing for various people, including a stint as a speech writer and communication director for a senator. I loved that job but I missed the human element and the creativity of working within technology and my current job combines all of those things.
Outside of work as I mentioned I would describe myself as someone who loves being around other people, appreciates facts and loves esoteric knowledge. I spend most of my free time as a musician. I absolutely love music and playing guitar, piano, drums, and whatever else I can get my hands on. Writing songs, writing lyrics, collecting instruments are all things I spend a lot of time doing. It is my main passion in life.
Our Families and Community
We are both very close to our families and receive a great deal of support from them. Vincent’s parents and sister live only a short ten minutes away from our house and we see them frequently. Madeline’s parents live an hour away and her siblings are spread all over the world. Her four siblings come to visit at least once every year and celebrate major milestones together. Between us we currently have ten nieces and nephews and have a special relationship with each of them. Our family and close friends make up our support system.
Madeline with her parents.
Vincent with his parents.